Jelly Belly Bean A&W Root Beer

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Discover the magic of Jelly Belly's A&W Root Beer flavored jelly beans from, the ultimate destination for all your sweet cravings! Each bean is a delightful blend of sweet and fizzy savors that make you reminisce about the epic taste of a classic, frosty mug of A&W Root Beer. Every handful is full of nostalgia and will take you back to sunny summer days and cool nights around the campfire.
The enticing blend of smooth, velvety texture and effervescent flavor that explodes in your mouth is unmatched and nothing short of miraculous. Delectably chewy and perfectly sweet, these jelly beans are the epitome of the unique candy experience. One bite and you are blasted with the unique, rich, creaminess of old-fashioned root beer contained in a tiny, glossy candy shell.
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